Video From September 10, 2001 May Prove Our Government Was Behind 9/11

Video From September 10, 2001 May Prove Our Government Was Behind 9/11


On September 11, 2001, the world changed forever. Everything that happened in the days and weeks leading up to it were forgotten as the country united against the ruthless terrorists who attacked us.

As it turns out, this was extremely convenient for our government, as is shown in a newly surfaced clip from September 10, 2001.

On the day before the attacks, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared war against the Pentagon to investigate an incredibly large amount of missing funds. Trillions of dollars had completely disappeared, and the government could not explain where they went.

On September 10, our government was in deep trouble. They knew our whole nation was about to find out that they were mismanaging our funds, and they undoubtedly were desperately trying to think of a strategy to save themselves.

When 9/11 happened, the whole world forgot about the missing dollars. Our own government ended up being the main benefactors of the terrorist attack on our country.

Watch the video for yourself and see what you think. Does this video prove that the government was behind 9/11? Let us know in the comments below!

  • Servant of ????

    Wow, that is an amazing, eye opening video. Thank you for sharing it.