Cheating Website Ashley Madison Hacked, Data Includes Celebrity and Political Figures Who...

Cheating Website Ashley Madison Hacked, Data Includes Celebrity and Political Figures Who Use The Site


Ashley Madison

(NEWSWATCH33) – Many cheating spouses are going to be in for rude awakening this morning, to be exact 37 million cheaters, this morning after the infamous cheating site Ashley Madison was hacked. The hackers claim to have collected personal data of the site’s users, including some high profile celebrities.

According to reports, the group behind the cyber attack, which calls itself “The Impact Team”, has threatened to dump of its user data online if Avid Life Media, the company that owns Ashely Madison, fails to shut the site down. Reportedly, of the 37 million users, 110,000 accounts belong to high profile celebrities, congressmen, and other political figures. According to According to the blog, if the site is not shut down, the hackers threaten to publish the whole data dump a little at a time, including users’ real names, credit card numbers and sexual fantasies.

“Too bad for those men, they’re cheating dirtbags and deserve no such discretion,” the hackers said in a manifesto. “Too bad for ALM, you promised secrecy but didn’t deliver. We’ve got the complete set of profiles in our (database) dumps, and we’ll release them soon if Ashley Madison stays online. And with over 37 million members, mostly from the U.S. and Canada, a significant percentage of the population is about to have a very bad day, including many rich and powerful people.”

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  • Ashley Madison
  • Hacked
  • Hackers