Babies who were breastfed had a tendency to develop faster motor skills, higher brain activity, displayed gender specific behaviors generally considered acceptable, appropriate or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex by their teenage years. Only about 6% of the babies who were breastfed grew into adults who were homosexual or lesbian. Babies who were fed formula developed just as quickly however 38% of the formula fed babies had a slower development in motor skills and cognitive development. Out of the formula fed babies, 79% were more attracted to the same sex by their teenage years. Researchers also factored in environmental influences and religious beliefs of the parents to determine other possible causes of gender role development.
“Our research was conducted in a semi-controlled environment to produce the most accurate results possible. We did not want to interfere with the day-to-day aspects of the children’s’ lives to avoid any potential influence in change. The data collected has provided much insight in regards to how one perceives gender and sexuality. The results of the data are astonishing. We believe we may discovered how individuals become homosexual,” said Dr. Haggerton of the University of Cambridge.
The research team plans to produce several publications of their study and will continue their research.