An “Angel” Like Creature Fell From The Sky In London

[BREAKING NEWS] An “Angel” Like Creature Fell From The Sky In London [PHOTOS]


An Angel Like Creature Fell From The Sky In London

LONDON (NEWSWATCH33) – An “Angel” like creature has fallen from the skies of London. Authorities quickly removed the creature from the scene after securing the area, but not before witnesses were able to view it.

Reportedly, an “Angel” like creature fell from the sky at approximately 1:50 p.m in London. The creature was quickly fenced off as pedestrians stood around to view the creature. Moments later, the “Angel” like creature was taken from the crash site moments after authorities arrived at the scene. According to witnesses, three unmarked vehicles arrived, containing men in Hazmat suits and weapons to transport the creature.

Real Life Fallen Angel 02

“I was looking at the clouds when I saw this body fall down. I thought someone had fell from a building or something but when I saw what had landed, I was shocked to see a human figure with wings. I’ve never seen an angel before this happened. I think this is a sign,” said John Carson, a pedestrian who was near the scene.

Real Life Fallen Angel 04

Real Life Fallen Angel 03

The “Angel” like creature fell from the sky just hours before NASA announced finding �Earth 2.0? the most habitable planet ever discovered.


  • DNA

    “I never seen an angel before..” Of course idiot nobody has. I believe this is a hoax

    • Adebajo


      • light

        Look’s kind of real to me though

    • Rhys

      Not even a hoax. It’s a piece of artwork

      • DNA

        I know after a search


          these people play with us

  • asda
  • Dave Davids

    lol. nice photoshoping, chicken wings ? really ???? lol

    • John Smith

      yes chiicken wings, that’s pathetic actually… bad photoshoping.

  • Mumtaz Hussain

    The UK high commission of every country is requested to publish a report based on the facts and figures to clarify the doubts and ambiguity prevail in general public.



  • Marcel

    They neglected to leave a verse from “The lord of the rings” – just to confuse us further. This creature brought the commandment of the religion of the swinging doors on chicken wings, not the wings of the dove. – LOL.