DALLAS (NEWSWATCH33) – Fredrick Smith, 16, of Dallas has been placed in police custody in connection with murdering his friend over eating the last Krispy Kreme Doughnut. According to Reports, both teens were celebrating National Junk Food Day when they got into a heated argument about who should have the last doughnut.
According to officials, Fredrick Smith was at his friends house to celebrate National Junk Food Day. Every year, the two friends make Youtube videos to show off the assortment of foods they eat in celebration of National Junk Food Day. Unfortunately, this year did not end up how previous years did.
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“We were called to the home of Kyle Jennings, 17, of Dallas in response to a shooting inside his home. The parents of Jennings, made the call after they heard gunshots in one of the rooms on the second level of their home. We immediately responded to the scene to find Mrs. Jennings frantically pacing back and forth on the porch of her home in tears. We approached Mrs. Jennings to see what happened and she explained that her son was shot by Smith. We entered the home and proceeded upstairs to investigate. When we entered the room of Jennings, we found his body on the floor, motionless as Smith was sitting next to him. Smith had Jennings’ hand near his face but due to the angle he was on, we could see what he was doing. We asked Smith to turn around slowly and as he did, we discovered Smith licking the fingers of Jennings. Officer Ferdinand handcuffed Smith and took him outside for questioning. I called EMS to the scene to determine if Jennings was alive,” said Officer Hutchingson.
Fredrick Smith was describe to authorities by Mrs. Jennings as a quiet yet very obese kids. According to Mrs. Jennings, she would always see him eating something no matter the time of day. “The last time I spoke with his mother, she told me he was 410 pounds. I know my son is 390 pounds but he tries to work out. Fredrick just eats and plays games all day,” said Mrs. Jennings. As authorities waited for the paramedics, Officer Hutchingson questioned Mrs. Jennings about what happened.
“Kyle had come over my house around 2:30 p.m. to make a video with son for some National Food day they do every year. Fredrick was calm but hungry as usual so before he spoke to me, he went into my refridgerator and made 4 sandwiches. After that, he spoke, smiled and then went upstairs to my son’s room. My son had asked me to buy some Krispy Kreme Donuts for their video. Kyle came downstairs to get them and asked me not to distrub them while they were making the video. About 20 minutes later, I heard them arguing over the doughtnuts. I then heard Fredrick yell, “I can’t believe you ate the last one, I’m going to kill you!” and then I heard the gunshots. I yelled for my son but he didn’t answer so that is when I called the police,” said Mrs. Jennings.
When the paramedics arrived at the scene, they attempted to revive Jennings however they were unable to do so. Kyle Jennings was pronounced dead at the scene.
When authorities questioned Smith, he told the police that he shot his friend by accident but did indicate they were arguing over the last doughnut.
“I didn’t mean to kill my friend. I was just so hungry and I think my blood sugar was low. I only ate 3 In-N-Out Burgers before I got to his house and then 3 or 4 sandwiches at his house before we attempted to make the video. We were both eating the doughnuts as we were making the video. It was like the Flash came into the room and ate the doughnuts because there was only one left. I had my eye on it and then Kyle just grabbed it and ate it. I got upset because I was still hungry and wanted the doughnut. Kyle told me to calm down when I complained about him eating the last doughnut and that’s when I shot him,” said Smith.
Officer Hutchingson asked the teen why were Jennings’ fingers in his mouth and he replied, “I wanted to lick the icing off of his fingers since he didn’t.”
Smith was taken into custody as authorities wait for his parents to continue their investigation.