Rio de Janeiro (NEWSWATCH33) – R&B Superstar R. Kelly has finished constructing the Robert Kelly Academy, an all girls school in Rio De Janeiro. The school will open its doors in September 2015 according to representatives from the Robert Kelly Academy.
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Robert Kelly, popular R&B singer has vowed to give back to the world as part of his new vision on humanitarian efforts. According to reports, Kelly wanted to do something for people that would inspire them to be better in life. Kelly was raised in Southside Chicago, a poverty-stricken area, known for high crime and unemployment. Kelly grew up in the Ida B. Wells Homes housing complex to a single mother or four. Kelly’s connection with music started in the church when he joined the choir at age 8. Through the ups and downs, Kelly found a way to make it from the Chicago slums that raised him to topping Billboard charts with his music.
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