Cash Honey! Young Thug & Birdman Plan To Marry Following Supreme Court...

Cash Honey! Young Thug & Birdman Plan To Marry Following Supreme Court Decision To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage


Young Thug & Birdman Plan To Marry Following Supreme Court Decision To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

The Supreme Court ruled on June 26th that all 50 states must acknowledge same sex marriages and are not allowed to ban them. The United States is the 21st country to legalize same-sex marriage. According to the Supreme Court ruling, married same-sex couple will have the same legal rights and benefits as married heterosexual couples. Same-sex marriages will all have recognition on official birth and death certificates.

Sources close to Birdman, whose legal name is Bryan Williams, have indicated that Birdman and Young Thug, whose legal name is Jeffrey Williams, plan to get married in celebration of the Supreme Court ruling. According to sources, Birdman and Young Thug have been secretly seeing each other for some time. With the recent turmoil between Birdman and Lil Wayne, “Birdman has been feeling really lonely,” according J-Roast, a close friend to Birdman.

“Birdman has been going through a lot since he lost connection with Lil Wayne. He hardly smiles, and when he does, it’s only when Young Thug is around him or calls him. I’m not judging what they do. If both of them are happy then so be it,” said J-Roast.

We will keep you updated on the alleged marriage between the two as more information develops.


  • Topnotch UltimateStruggle Muzi

    dear GOD, please stop this evil and this wrong doing! In your holy name I pray amen


      Pray lol you better lock and load get ready to kill!

      • Topnotch UltimateStruggle Muzi

        The difference between me and you is that I have faith in God. There is no weapon on earth that can save you.

        • POOP BANDIT💩

          ‘ll you don’t know my beliefs just know their not evil.

          • Topnotch UltimateStruggle Muzi

            God is the only one that is allowed to call anyone fool’s. God bless you.

        • POOP BANDIT💩

          I have faith and a weapon for fools.

        • Toby Niles

          No….you have faith in jesus…who is just one of gods many prophets

  • C. Roy


  • loveisthekey7

    I don’t think it’s real.