Atlanta Teen Dies From Doing The Charlie Demon Challenge

Atlanta Teen Dies From Doing The Charlie Demon Challenge


Atlanta Teen Dies From Doing The Charlie Demon Challenge

ATLANTA (NEWSWATCH33) – A 17 year old girl suffered a fatal brain aneurysm after doing the latest viral craze. The young girl was attempting the newest occultist social media trend, referred to as the Charlie Challenge, in which participants attempt to summon an ancient Mexican demon.

Jocelyn Morales, 17 of Stone Mountain, was found deceased in her home this afternoon. Initial reports revealed that Morales suffered a fatal brain hemorrhage shortly after summoning the demon. Medical examiners at the scene reported that the young girl suffered from a rush of blood to her brain causing the vessels to burst. Morales was participating in the Charlie Challenge with two other girls from her school. According to the other two teens, Kim Suarez and Jessica Valdez, they heard voices and felt the presence of something in the room. The two girls indicated that Morales The teens stated that they heard voices and felt something touching them, before Morales screamed and fell over motionless.

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  • disqus_PmNVLw2faN

    I read a book about this game. Although I don’t really think Charlie is real. Who wants to chance it ? Interesting book though

  • Fatboyjerry Willis

    Why are yall explaining how to do it

  • Janette Mehrnaz

    Totally doing this

    • Daniel Hudson

      It isn’t wise, or advised to mess with the demonic forces. You may not believe in God or the Devil, but they sure believe in you. I’ll pray that you don’t try it, for your sake.

      • Maddy

        I feel sorta sad that you got so many likes on your crazy comment.

    • Tawanda Burney

      Really that would be stupid.

    • Charlie Charlie

      Please don’t, I need my sleep.

  • Daniel Hudson

    The very fact that you’ve explained how to do part of this, and where to find the rest, shows that you do not care for the safety of others, foolish enough to try it out of sheer boredom. You’re contributing to the problem, not to the solution, and should be ashamed of this article.

    Not very many believe in God the Father anymore, that much is clear. But in doing this, you are encouraging his anger. That being said, if you don’t believe in God the Father, you couldn’t possibly believe in the Devil, but he sure believes in you. And to titillate the idea that he isn’t real, invites demonic forces into ones life.

    • Brian Cacini

      Well said. I couldn’t agree with you more.

    • Tawanda Burney

      Exactly why give the details of this if it’s the cause of someone’s death? The media discuss me.

      • LawrenceNeal

        Disgusts me

        • Corey Randall Sr.

          Man go teach middle school, cornball

      • TheBlameGame

        …. FFS, your religion is being made fun of because people like you are too gullible, and will honestly believe that somehow, someone has FINALLY summoned a real demon, and was killed by it. Right, and Mitt Romney won..

        • Christine Lane-Truncale

          Blame,it’s not all that hard for this to happen,you can make fun of the Christian faith all you like but … the spirit realm is real and kids,or people and a lot of them these days don’t have the knowledge they should have from the Bible,because they don’t believe in God and just don’t have any interest to read the book and leaves many in a very vulnerable spot-like this young girl,if the story is true! Many think this kind of thing is a joke,but if you know anything about the devil thats just how he likes it! Because the truth of the matter is…there’s a battle going on for your soul right now! If your not with God-your against Him! Those are not my words either,those are His!

          • Matt Culler

            This was a hoax. Sadly, its not surprising that someone stupid enough to believe in “spirit realms” and fairly tales would be gullible enough to fall for it…….

          • sinaloa

            The spirit world does exist

    • MrAnonymous

      It’s all over the internet. No need to pretend it’s a secret.

    • Chasity R.

      I totally agree and I think the article is also a fluke. I live in the area and heard nothing of this. This article was created to achieve readers and get into this mess and research that demon.

      • Cynicles

        This site reads like the Onion [satire!], with the exception the Onion has someone who made it past 7th grade as an editor.

        • TheBlameGame

          It is, thank their god someone has enough brains to notice this..

    • kenny

      First off if you believe in will understand that you choose to love over anything..knocking this reporter for doing their job or not knowing any better isn’t right to do..give them some slack there’s far more worse things about stuff like this floating..actually by the reporter saying what they did and mentioning the fact that a teen died from doing this should be enough to get your kid to say NO regardless of if they know how to do it or not…after all its YOUR Kids not the report’s lol

      • dez

        The fact that someone died wont stop everyone. Not all people have faith and you yourself are naive in thinking that people are not easily lead astray. Of course there are people that will try it reguardless. You need to wake up to the. Actual world you live in. Humans are stupid and ignorant

        • Maddy

          You call other people ignorant but you believe in literal demons. Pfft.

    • Mr. G

      Daniel, you are absolutely right! I thought to myself, “They have posted the how-to and now more kids who don’t know what they are getting into will perish.” Thanks for sharing the truth!

    • ejay5

      Actually you’re wrong. Kids will most likely find this game through word of mouth or YouTube so there really shouldn’t be any blame on the writer. Stop blaming everyone else for the dumb mistakes of others.

    • lacey

      Right y would they do that so other kids can do it how uncaring

    • Austin Konrad

      I came from a satire site. It’s a hoax.

      • TheBlameGame

        Fianlly someone else… I can’t believe how willing people are to believe a demon was FINALLY summoned, and killed some girl.

      • Christine Lane-Truncale

        Even if it is a hoax,there is something to be learned here-still! Don’t mess with things you have no knowledge about! You can get very hurt or worse! This is totally a possibility of course but why push things not knowing anything about them.

        • Austin Konrad

          That makes no sense. First of all, it is a hoax. Second of all, the only thing to be learned from this is DON’T GET YOU FREAKING NEWS FROM A SATIRE SITE YOU DINBAT.

    • Linda Scott

      I think the same as you when they tell people how to do stupid things, after someone has died or have gotten hurt from it.

    • pat

      Exactly they showed how to do it foolish of them

  • Balli Michelle Yesenia

    As I walk through the valley of shadows of death I see no evil I fear no evil because the Lord walk beside me Lord wherever you might be pleased I pray for this little girl and may you reach out to her and grab her and please I pray for kids nowadays please keep them out of the reach of all evil Amen

    • gvravel

      And I “pray” for people stupid enough to believe this is real.

  • TxBoy

    Someone died doing this, so let us explain exactly how to do it. Ya know? So you won’t try it or anything.

    • eesha allsmilesss

      yeah they’re really dumb for putting out the instructions smh

      • Maddy

        You know this isn’t real, right? I could do this right now and nothing would happen. “Dumb for putting out the instructions” pfft, what do you think is gonna happen?

  • Tselane


    • gvravel

      You’re praying for a fictional family??

  • Kari Lynn

    1 demons have no nationality. 2. A demon is an angel cast from heaven by the hand of god. 3. A person who has died with rage, anger, and sadness in their heart, or someone who has died a violent death, can become a spirit seeking either revenge or comfort from the living. 4. If you know how to open the channels but not close them don’t mess with. 5. This is like a oujia board. Unless you know what you’re doing, don’t mess around with it because nine times out of ten you will get something you don’t want. 6. If you or anyone has a history of unstable emotions i highly recommend that you stay away from things like this. Evil Spirits feed off of negative emotions, anger, sadness, loneliness, hurt, and fear. I really don’t get this at all. The stupidity of kids these days looking for a cheap thrill and not know what in the world they are doing. Pick up a book once in a while about the paranormal and maybe you will get it. The dead need to be left alone.

    • Dee Kellum

      The stupidity of kids? You do know that this is not a real news site, or a real story. This was a marketing campaign for a movie. Nevermind, you probably work with the firm orchestrating this… if so, I don’t mean to blow your cover. You almost sound convincing (((kudos))).

      • Kari Lynn

        Can I just say I plead the 5th?

  • Yapneel Flores

    As always, there will be people after read this article won’t believe it and will argue that it’s false and do not exist such thing.

    • gvravel

      And there will be people who will continue to post comments with a very limited knowledge of grammar.

      • Yapneel Flores

        Ok…’s clear enough for me that you’re one of them. Sorry for that “Mr Perfect Grammar”

        • gvravel

          There’s grammar that’s just bad and then there’s grammar that’s incoherent.

          • Yapneel Flores


    • Yuppp

      Bottom of webpage: Do you have a talent for creating content? Can you write well? If so, then you should join our creative writing team! (Scroll to bottom of page)

      • Yapneel Flores


  • Tara Hines

    i think that this is another sign that shows just how far we have moved from god and that the end of what we know as beening a Godly nation is here. the word of god say train up a child in the way that they should go and when they get older they will not depart from it. the four fathers of this nation tryed to build this america on Godly values be we as a nation have tryed to reinvent ourslefs and we uphold things that are far from our orginal design and just things that go against natural order.we used to be a nation that others wanted to model after and one that was feared but now we are a joke, we let wrong be called right and we let kids make decession that they have no understanding to do so in.i pray that we one day get back to the basics but i fear its way pass to late

    • gvravel


  • Candi from Fl

    I absolutely agree. Although it I up to our children to make their own decisions, this article posting the how to and how to find out more is extremely disturbing and I also agree that the reporter did this simply to gain more of the public eye. That being said, apparently life isn’t as important as ratings, in this reporters eyes. I pray that this so called challenge isn’t attempted by Anton else!
    God Bless!

  • JohnnyMac


  • Kali Kona

    I’m going to try this with next door’s kids later . . .

  • idoubtit

    This site is not a REAL NEWS SITE. It’s fictionalized!

    Please only get your news from reputable sources and do not buy into sites that are getting at laugh at your expense. No one ever died from the Charlie Challenge and it is a cheap parlor trick, not a way to summon demons. It’s the 21st century folks. Let’s get with it.

  • Aldene911

    People should not take the existence of evil forces lightly. RIP. I found my students doing this class and almost freaked out.

  • Ashley Bogan

    I’m sitting here laughing at everyone who thinks that this is a legit news source.

    • TheBlameGame

      I weep as I laugh for humanity.

  • Dee Kellum

    This is hyper-sensationalism from a movie. I hope that some of these comments are part of the charade because people can’t possibly be dumb enough to believe this. If you are this dumb & cannot discern truth from internet fluff, my apologies….continue.

    • gvravel

      Nope, people are dumb enough to believe this.

    • Lloyd Bembury

      Well whether its true or not the fact that people don’t understand the power of there words…prayer requests or even what they ask for is enough to empower the wrong entities in there lives…

      If kids or whoever start doing this playing around with it with the thought of trying to attract a demon then they will…

      remember we receive what we believe and if the devil is always watching us and looking for a way into our lives this act alone may very well give him the doorway in…so many people don’t believe the power of there words…

      Remember God created the world with words think about that…you can be deceived into being deceived especially by believing that satan doesn’t exist…

      so if you believe that he doesn’t then you may play around with it and open up doorways that you shouldn’t…

      just some food for thought

      • LadySpader

        More food for thought. Take a remedial English class. It’s “their,” not “there!”

        • Lloyd Bembury

          Smh Bless your heart Lady Spader…

      • Maddy

        Neither satan nor god exists, ya crazy dingleberry.

  • Joe American

    The spirit will answer yes or no as to if or not it is present. LOL

    • Charlie Charlie

      And every time I answer they scream and run away. Nobody ever asks their question.

  • gvravel

    People, taking seriously an article on a web site that is obviously satirical, are once again proving that the “dumbing down” of today’s society is in full swing.

  • David

    lol, I love this site! panders to the border-line retarded.

    • dez


  • Jaime

    This ish reads like satire. Jeez

    • Austin Konrad

      That’s where they got it from a satire site.

  • jtxl

    Ouija and these other game are really bad to be around. I have never spent the night in a home with a Ouija board and will never allow one in my home. What a terrible shame that these kids had to learn the hard way. There is plenty of evil in the world and we don’t need to summon more

  • Danny Dodge

    Just goes to show that the cross (origin – the ankh, and coincidentally the shape of one of the Roman Empire’s torture devices) is a demon-summoning idol in violation of the command not to make or own graven images of ANYTHING. If a cross somehow summoned the power of the Christian version of “Jesus” how would a demon enter the room? It wouldn’t.
    This just goes to show how badly Paul of Tarsus misrepresented the Jewish Messiah (Yeshua not Jesus) and how distorted his major religions (Catholicism and Protestant Christianity) have become.
    The Creator ordered NO images, and the messiah was killed on an ancient idol symbol, and that same symbol was used in the summoning of a demon that killed a little girl. This shows how messed up it is.
    You should never ever mess with the spirits, the Torah tells us that the punishment is death, and so if you will fully summon them they can kill you. If they go to you they cannot kill you, as HaShatan could not kill Job but if you summon the, you’re giving them full consent and you have no protection. It’s not a game.

  • LawrenceNeal

    I’m amazed that the majority of commenters think this was an actual incident.

  • Lloyd Bembury

    Well whether its true or not the fact that people don’t understand the power of there words…prayer requests or even what they ask for is enough to empower the wrong entities in there lives…

    If kids or whoever start doing this playing around with it with the thought of trying to attract a demon then they will…

    remember we receive what we believe and if the devil is always watching us and looking for a way into our lives this act alone may very well give him the doorway in…so many people don’t believe the power of there words…

    Remember God created the world with words think about that…you can be deceived into being deceived especially by believing that satan doesn’t exist…

    so if you believe that he doesn’t then you may play around with it and open up doorways that you shouldn’t…

    just some food for thought…

  • Carole Armijo

    You people do realize this event never happened? This is a satirical site. Lol. If you scroll to the bottom of these sites you will see things like what is at the bottom of this one “Do you have a talent for creating content? Can you write well? If so, then you should join our creative writing team…..” In other words, people make this crap up!!! Damn you people are dumb.

  • Orlando hebron

    A idle mind is a devil work shop, people evil and demonic spirits are for real an we as parents need to introduce our kids to God and let them now we serve a awesome living God our Lord an savior Jesus Christ. This is not a hoax an I’m glad you had two witnesses to tell the story but people still don’t want to believe. Stay prayerful parents an let’s turned our faces back to the Cross the one that Christ died on an rose from the grave to deliver us from sin that we all have a opportunity for eternal life in his heavenly kingdom . So in closing let’s teach our kids to pray or do something positive to keep there minds occupied instead of doing something know the Internet that could cost them there life. God bless the readers of this comment an have good day.

  • Pingback: Miami Man Dies From Doing Don’t Judge Challenge #DontJudgeChallenge | NewsWatch33()

  • Sheila Hadley

    news channel 33 should have given us a clue! “33”…just sayin

  • ThatOneGuyWho…


  • Pingback: Charlie challenge, takes Atlanta teen. | paranormalheraldmagazine()

  • Johnathon Salinas

    Sounds stupid, how about a new challenge, pick up a bible and praise god !!!

  • Joshie Rome

    And WE all are doing exactly what they want…entertaining it. Negative or positive comments. All it is, is entertainment. Poorly chosen, but entertaining not the least

  • Pingback: Girl Killed In Her Sleep From Wearing Earbuds While iPhone Was Charging | NewsWatch33()

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  • Bennie Thornton

    Are these the Demons from Mexico that Donald Trump is referring to?

  • Karene Kk-holiday Lawrence

    hide your drugs from the kids …this is stupid

  • Charlie Charlie

    So many inconsistencies in this article!

    One, I’m not Mexican.
    Two, I was nowhere near Atlanta at the time.
    Three, on a more general note, I’m getting mighty tired of all this “Charlie Charlie, are you there?” Yes, I’m here, what do you want? Ask your bloody question and let me get back to sleep!

    So. With that said, who do I contact about getting this article corrected?