LOS ANGELES (NEWSWATCH33) – Three women have recently come forward alleging that they were raped by Bill Cosby and that he has fathered children with them. Stephanie Wilson, 57, Martha Dantz, 53, and Kimberly Smith, 49 have come forward accusing the famous television dad of raping them and fathering their children.
According to newly released reports, Bill Cosby has admitted to using prescription Quaaludes to drug woman in order to have sexual intercourse with them.
Dating back to 2005, the newly released documents stemmed from a civil lawsuit filed by Andrea Constand, one of multiple women who have publicly accused Cosby of sexual assault. The records were released on Monday after the associated press compelled the court to release them.
Cosby answered questions in a sworn deposition from Constand’s attorney, Dolores Troiani:
“When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?” Troiani asked.
“Yes,” Cosby replied.
“Did you ever give any of those young women the Quaaludes without their knowledge?” Troiani asked.
Cosby’s attorney objected and told him not to answer the question.
Since the release of the new documents proving Cosby admitted to giving women prescription pills for sexual intercourse, three women from London have come forth alleging that Cosby raped. According to the London Sun Chronicles, the three women decided to come forward once Cosby openly admitted to his past actions.
“The women who have come forward all claim to have children father by Bill Cosby. The three women stated in the interview that they were all at a party in London in 1985. They met Bill Cosby at the party where he offered to bring them to his hotel suite. The three woman agreed to go up and have drinks with Cosby. Cosby offered them some pills which they took with their drinks. The women then engaged in sexual intercourse with Cosby all at once,” said Jon Hempstead, reporter for the London Sun Chronicles.
The accusations, like all of the others, have not been proven in court. Although Cosby has admitted to giving women Quaaludes, there has been no proof that Cosby has raped them. In regards to the three women claiming Cosby to be the father of their children, an investigation by Metro Police is underway.