(NEWSWATCH33.COM) – Following the announcement of major retailers such as Walmart, Sears, Amazon.com and other retail stores banning the sale of Confederate flags on their websites and stores, local stores throughout the south and other parts of America increased sales 4000 percent.
According to SaleX Marketing, they have reported exclusively to NEWSWATCH33 that sales are at an all time high for Confederate flags. The company calculates sales based on how many products are sold to retailers from wholesalers. These calculations are then used to help wholesalers keep track of inventory and determine which products are in demand.
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Scott Burns, Director of Marketing for SaleX, stated “Major distributors, mainly in China, India, and some domestic production locations, have been producing a massive amount of Confederate flags since the announcement made earlier this week that retail giants are banning the sale of the flags in their stores. Local businesses, including “Mom and Pop” stores have been ordering the flags by the thousands, quickly selling out of them, only to place orders for higher quantities. In South Carolina, Mississippi, Texas, Kentucky, and Virginia, a total of 1.5 million Confederate flags have been distributed based on recent sales reports. Prior to the recent, yet tragic incident in Charleston, typical wholesale orders of Confederate flag and related merchandise were around 30,000 items per states I mentioned.’
Burns also mentioned that, “Sales are at an all time low for American flags and merchandise, especially for this time of season. July 4 is right around the corner and usually around this time, the numbers currently representing the distribution of Confederate flag merchandise is what would represent American flag products.”
Based on these numbers provided by SaleX Marketing, it’s a clear indication that Americans who support and are prideful of the Confederate flag, are voicing their disappointment with the decision of major retailers banning of sales.