Two Black Teens Brutally Beaten At Oklahoma Confederate Flag Rally

Two Black Teens Brutally Beaten At Oklahoma Confederate Flag Rally


Two Black Teens Brutally Beaten At Oklahoma Confederate Flag Rally

Emergency response units responded to the scene where one of the teens, a female, was found unconscious while the other teen, a male, suffered a broke arm and fractured skull. Both teens were immediately transported to a local hospital for treatment. According to medical officials, both teens are in stable but critical condition. Police officers have been assigned to guard their room until further notice.

According to Detective McDaniels, authorities were able to discover who committed the crime from social media.

Two Black Teens Brutally Beaten At Oklahoma Confederate Flag Rally IG
“We received information via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook regarding the incident. We monitor any trends or information visible to us to see if anyone was referring to the incident. We came across an Instagram post from one of the alleged men involved, who posted a message stating, “Me and my friend taught some black kids a lesson about disrespecting out great confederate flag”.

Once we obtained information on the user, detained him for question regarding his involvement in the incident.

Authorities are currently investigating the incident to gather more details and to locate the other alleged suspects involved. Authorities have not labeled this incident a hate crime as of yet until further information is gathered.


  • Michael

    I need more details so I can send Isis to kill that faggot and his family

  • Steve Spencer

    I’m at a loss for words. America is heading towards an all out racial war

    • joetheamerican

      We are sending the Union Army down there to stop the crackers who want a race war

      • Timothy Irving

        Crackers? yeah, you’re part of the problem. Thanks for being a racist also.

        • tony goins

          Saying “cracker” is waaaaay less harmful than killing! Quit trying to equate name calling with murder!

          • MacFly1

            nobody killed anybody regarding this story, Tony.

        • joetheamerican

          Basically, the Union Army TRAMPLED upon all southern white trash and leaving the south as a place for only the defeated and inferior white trash to live.

      • genesis667 .

        This story about the whites killing blacks is 100% FICTION…BUT, This story below about 40 blacks beating a white man nearly to death is not…

        • joetheamerican

          Basically, you are the same as every inferior southern white trash that the glorious Union Army TRAMPLED upon in our glorious destruction and humiliation of the inferior southern white trash

      • MacFly1

        dumber than Steve.

        • joetheamerican

          the Union Army will always exist as the forced that TRAMPLED upon the inferior southern white trash and left the south as a place for only the defeated and humiliated inferior southern white trash

    • Anthony Ellis

      The Indians didn’t have weapons to fight white folk and black folk don’t either

      • speedfast

        wouldn’t bet on that…

        • BA Baracus

          I would, ever see black folk shoot.

          • Jashuwa Ras Yahshuwa Baker

            “ever seen black folks shoot”…. You watch too many movies…. smh… but go ahead and keep believing that

      • Sunshine Adams

        u r stupid!!!! gen. custer was killed when the indians were more prepared and had better weapons ….i cant believe you can be so ignorant!…lol can i ask if you are black?

        • Anthony Ellis

          You point out one battle fought by a stupid general being out-manned twenty to one. Who’s ignorant now?

    • MacFly1

      you’re one dumb arse, Steve. Another easily fooled idiot American.

  • Shirley Venton

    I am praying for the families of these courageous teens.

    • ron

      Yall been praying and this hasnt stopped, at some point you must realize prayer did NOT work….

      • joetheamerican

        At some point you have to realize you are dumb white trash

      • trippystick

        Right that praying stuff aint helped its none we gotta do better at researching who we are and were

        • Terry Mcfadden

          I know you right

      • James Morrow

        You are Right, should say a warrior prayer and go do BATTLE


      Continue to pray. Don’t let anyone on social media take that away from you.

    • Romeo

      Do you realized that God has not answered the prayers of black people for decades now? Would you like to know why?

      Here it is.
      We, black people are the only species in the planet that pray to a foreign god that looks nothing like us.
      We are the only ones that will embrace the idea of a white, pale skin God. I guess he must be white because white is good right?

      How do we expect God to answer us when we are calling on another name of which he did not gave us?

      Its like my son came home from college one day and went to the wrong house and calling a complete stranger dad. It sure does not make sense right? Well, that is the exact same way with God.

      The Lord is not dealing with the old civil rights generation anymore. They are too stuck in their ways.

      He is calling out the new generation. The ones that are not cowards and docile.

    • Staci Price

      What courageous teens? This story is completely false.

    • Staci Price

      What courageous teens? This story is completely false.

  • Timothy Irving

    This is just ridiculous. Too many people don’t understand the Civil War wasn’t over slavery; it was over State Rights. I’m a white male and was born just outside Washington, DC in 1968, just after the riots etc. I never had any issue with African Americans or any other ethnicity; all the kids in our neighborhood played together and race was never brought up. It didn’t matter if you were Chinese, Black, White or Native American.

    I don’t understand why people think being different is or should be something to frown upon. Shouldn’t we all be happy with one another’s uniqueness? If everyone looked like me, talked like me and acted like me, I wouldn’t be me…. I would be everyone. What would I learn from anyone if everyone looked and thought like myself?

    Folks, it is okay to be different. Anyone who commits a hate crime based on gender, ethnicity or even sexual preference should be removed from our society. I am a conservative, and I mean just what I said. We should not allow stupidity to walk free.

    • Declan Sanchez

      You cant take the hate out of the inbreeding that has gone on for generations and when I say inbreeding I mean haters mating with haters or enablers of hate. I am not familiar with the US law down there but can this come under federal crime for civil violations? be great if these cretins all of them standing there refusing to intervene or participating faced the death penalty in afederal court, I have no faith in any southern state to fairly prosecute these types of cases.

      • Timothy Irving

        Hey Declan, I just got off the phone with Myrtle Beach Police Department; they said this story is complete and utter bull-crap. In fact, New channel 33 isn’t even a news station in Myrtle Beach. For any of you who want to confirm this, please contact the Myrtle Beach Police department at . Thank you.

        As for the owner of this webpage; you are a complete disgrace to journalism and our society as a whole.

        • melfaith

          Irving thank you for calling. My question is did it really happen? I am an black woman who have native american, carribean and caucasian descent. I couldn’t agree more that being different makes us unique and I find it fascinating and I also have an appreciation for some one who is not like me. That is the beauty of it all to perhaps explore different cultures and say wow what’s that or that food taste different but it’s really good, how do you prepare it. If we could learn to love one another and help where you can this would be a land of peace. GOD is not pleased

          • Joe

            “I am an black woman who have native american, carribean and caucasian descent.”



          • dawnthescreenwriter

            I know right…. It’s laughable.

          • melfaith

            What is your notion to my comment joe

          • Evelyn Khelama

            Before I leave. Sometimes you have to marvel at the ignorance of ignorance. First, black people populated the planet and lived everywhere on it and still do. Most of your “native” Americans were black. As were most people on the planet for thousands of years. They simply lived in different places on the map. My genetic streams cross Europe, the Americas, Alaska, Asia, the Caribbean and Africa. Not guessing, I am a geneticist. These are places on a map anyone can live. Your heritage goes back to black and the only thing that alters that is expressed or suppressed melanin. Period. Good day.

          • Drunk_by_Noon

            And you actually went to school and graduated?

          • Evelyn Khelama

            Lol. And I’m sure there is a reason you have the handle “Drunk by Noon.” And yes. Graduated college also. And have several degrees. None of them in alcoholism, which I’m sure you’d respect. Deal with the message. Attacking the messenger just makes your stupid look obvious.

          • Drunk_by_Noon

            Before you leave, can you please tell us what degrees from what university?
            You have piqued my curiosity, because your writing belies any sort of education beyond the 6th grade, let alone any undergraduate work.
            Since I’m asking, I’ll volunteer that I have an MA in European History from UCLA, class of 1991.

    • forward

      Wrong, Mr. Irving. They wanted keep their states rights to own slaves. Don’t separate the two.

      • Timothy Irving

        Another Liberal who would believe anything. Do some research, Forward; it is the rhetoric like yours that has this country going backwards, not forwards. Please change your name accordingly.

        I just got off the phone with Myrtle Beach Police Department; they said this story is complete and utter bull-crap. In fact, New channel 33 isn’t even a news station in Myrtle Beach. For any of you who want to confirm this, please contact the Myrtle Beach Police department at . Thank you.

        As for the owner of this webpage; you are a complete disgrace to journalism and our society as a whole.

        • Brian Stewart

          Another conservative who will believe anything. The only ones who knows the truth is our father in heaven and the parties involved.

          • lunamama
          • Trees

            You do realize that each and every one of the stories here aren’t real, don’t you?

          • Brian

            I didn’t claim to believe anyone’s story. Not sure on what you are saying.

          • Evelyn Khelama

            The entire global media creates false stories everyday or embellish the true ones. It is a hallmark of journalism. People focusing on the story here in the context of what is going on in our nation are doing what racists have always done, looking for a save in the midst of embarrassment. A light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately it is another train and a wreck is inevitable if we don’t deal with the racist infrastructures supporting this nation. Nuff said. Gotta run.

        • Evelyn Khelama

          Doesn’t matter if this event is false. The racism it depicts is real and nine people are dead because of it. And they are only the latest in a long history of brutality and murder of black people simply because they WERE BLACKS. Seven churches since the Charleston massacre have been burned down. The cover story is always there to play it down. You have always been good liars. Controlling the media and information dissemination is the best way to regulate how the truth is told and shape public opinion. But the truth will eventually rise again. You have swept this planet and its indigneous peoples like a plague. Showing little mercy and compassion and always defining yourselves as the heroes or the victims. Well, prepare yourself. Nature is pulling back the curtain to reveal the true wizards of oz. And no amount of smooth lying or twisted spin will change the outcome of karma. In the words of your iconic Doc Holiday, “A reckoning is coming.” Done and out.

          • vickiepowell

            I beg to differ. I absolutely does matter if the story is false.

          • Evelyn Khelama

            No need to beg, dear. Put the comment in its proper context. The point is the issue it raises are very real, whether or not the story is rag journalism or true. As much as a valid discussion can be generated from a fictional movie. When a subject matter as serious as racism and the destructive damage it has done is raised, even in the shadow of a planted story in the midst of true ones, you don’t get distracted from the sky by focusing on a falling star. We got problems in this country and the world as black people that go back generations. And the attempt is always to distract from the real by focusing on the false. Tares amongst the wheat. Sherlock Holmes wasn’t real. But the words Arthur C. Doyle put in his mouth are very applicable. “Eliminate the impossible, and whatever remains, however improbable, is probably the truth.” Hotep.

          • Drunk_by_Noon

            She wasn’t begging of anything of you.
            Brush up on your English usage skills and learn to tell the difference between a metaphorical phrase and a literal reading.

          • Evelyn Khelama

            1. Microbiology, biochemistry, earth sciences, and the emerging fields of heliobiology and cosmochemistry. Go figure and try to reconcile the conflict between your stereotypical view of black education levels and abilities; your real reason for the question.
            2. The remark was a quip not a literal interpretation, drunk by noon. Go sober up. Grow a brain, activate some neurons and learn to decipher. This has been cute but the ship has sailed. Let it go. Have a nice whatever. Lol.

          • Drunk_by_Noon

            No, my real reason for asking is because your writing appears to be representative of a disorganized thought process and not of anyone who has successfully completed a legitimate college degree.
            Instead, I submit that you have no degrees, in any recognized field, and have never even written a legitimate research paper in your life.
            You are a fraud and a liar, your beliefs are invalid, your utterances disprovable tripe and finally your incorrect use of the semicolon is all the proof I need.

            The emerging fields of heliobiology and chronobiology?
            Chronobiology used to be referred to as “biorhythm” until it was discredited as unscientific and heliobiology hasn’t been considered “emerging” since the 1950’s.

            You simply are incapable of presenting yourself as educated to anyone who would know better.

          • Drunk_by_Noon

            Why quote an ancient word, especially when they enslaved your people.
            Trying to look smart again?

          • Evelyn Khelama


          • Drunk_by_Noon

            So, what are your degrees in?

        • lunamama
        • forward

          An excerpt from one of the Declaration of Causes of Seceding States, say:

          “She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting
          the institution known as negro slavery– the servitude of the African to
          the white race within her limits– a relation that had existed from the
          first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her
          people intended should exist in all future time.”

          There’s more to it but I’m sure you can check it for yourself at the link I provided above.

          If you’d like, you may contact the liberal organization, the Civil War Trust Headquarters, directly at , and let them know that they have their facts wrong and to promptly update their website to reflect whatever version of history makes you feel more comfortable. Let us know how that works out.

        • forward

          I would also like to add that you should contact Gordon Rhea, Civil War historian, who has ancestors that fought for the Confederacy. You and he can debate what the Civil War was about. You can reach him at .

        • Christopher Slocum

          Timothy Irving, though I do agree that we are all equal and should be respected as such, we must stop trying to blame the media and the government for our views on racial tention. I, like other smart African Americans know how to do my own research and I’m sorry to say this but you should go back and look up each southern states letters of secsesion and while you at it look up the creator of the Confederate battle flags comments on the flag and the war. Then research the response of the southern states to their newly freed slaves after the war was over. Then come back on here and tell us all how the civil war had nothing to do with slavery. Racism is not just a hate problem it’s also a problem caused by ignorance and most of you don’t even know it. And by the way, I also grew up in the north but I was still a victim of discrimination and the media nor government was responsible they were angry uneducated white people and no I’m not a thug or a drug dealer or a theif because that seems to be the excuse that most of you use to justify discrimination these days.

    • Darnell Mcfarlane

      Whatever you say at the end of the day the confederate flag was pro slavery cause it was cheaper to own free labor then paying for a cotton gin.. So why support a flag that wanted to save $$$ cause it was cheaper to own property(slaves) you don’t have to take care of??? U don’t see that then you’ll never see the big pic which is way more then the south wanted to segregate from the north…blacks at that should have been more than just property..

      • Timothy Irving


        I just got off the phone with Myrtle Beach Police Department; they said this story is complete and utter bull-crap. In fact, New channel 33 isn’t even a news station in Myrtle Beach. For any of you who want to confirm this, please contact the Myrtle Beach Police department at . Thank you.

        As for the owner of this webpage; you are a complete disgrace to journalism and our society as a whole.

        • So what .. get off this website if it’s spreading lies, like YOU!
          Can’t even explain why you think everyone else is wrong. Troll

    • joetheamerican

      Civil War was about the Union Army defeating the racists

      • Timothy Irving

        Thanks for your uninformed comment, Joe. I just got off the phone with Myrtle Beach Police Department; they said this story is complete and utter bull-crap. In fact, New channel 33 isn’t even a news station in Myrtle Beach. For any of you who want to confirm this, please contact the Myrtle Beach Police department at . Thank you.

        As for the owner of this webpage; you are a complete disgrace to journalism and our society as a whole.

        • joetheamerican

          You are dumb white trash

        • joetheamerican

          You are poor southern white trash which is why your life is based on the jealousy and hatred of those who are superior to you and your white trash family

      • Joshua Kaanaana

        This is factually untrue. The north was just as racist as the South was and Lincoln was as anti-Black as any slave owner.

        • joetheamerican

          The Civil War was about the Glorious Union Army TRAMPLING upon each and every inferior southern white trash and leaving the south as a defeated and conquered place for inferior white trash to live

    • Elana Benn

      You’re a dumbass. The rights they were fighting over was the right to own slaves and the right to profit from it. Where were you educated? Under a rock in Alabama?!

      • Timothy Irving

        I stated where I was from. Learn to read and i will respond to ignorance.

    • TheZuluKing

      Stop the spin! The Civil War was about slavery. The South thought an abolitionist like Lincoln would ban slavery so they bailed once he was elected. For people to constantly say it was a state rights issue without offering up what right the South want to protect so fiercely they severed from the Nation is disingenuous. You being a white male born in DC just after the riots should know better than to try espouse the white perspective on history while ignoring the fact that others may view that history differently. You think the Native Americans or African Americans share the same view of imperialism and what built this nation as you do? Stop it! Either you don’t know better or you trying to pull people’s leg. The Civil War was about the South wanting to protect their right to have slaves. To believe anything else is a fairy tale,

      • Timothy Irving

        Thanks for the misinformation, Zulu. Just what America needs.

        Further, I just got off the phone with Myrtle Beach Police Department; they said this story is complete and utter bull-crap. In fact, New channel 33 isn’t even a news station in Myrtle Beach. For any of you who want to confirm this, please contact the Myrtle Beach Police department at . Thank you.

        As for the owner of this webpage; you are a complete disgrace to journalism and our society as a whole.

        • TheZuluKing

          I knew the story was probably false, but it seems your white privilege has caused your blindness to the obvious.

          • Reason And Believing

            The Civil War was not about slavery
            Slavery was already outdated and on the way out before the Civil War started.
            The Civil War as 100 percent about northern aggression in all other areas , including taxation and imports/exports
            Slavery ending was one of the results of the war, not the cause of the war.

          • TheZuluKing

            You are crazy! Beyond insane! Slavery was on the way out in the rest of the Northern Hemisphere and civilized world, but the South had no intention of giving up its slaves. One of the importation issues may have been the importing of slaves. There are always other underlying issues. The main issue they drove the South to secede was Lincoln’s opposition to slavery in principal and his stance that he didn’t want to see slavery expand to new territories. Why else would they secede when he won election? If the North had been so unfair, don’t you think they would have seceded long before Lincoln’s election. You say slavery was on its way out. Why not leave before Lincoln? Look at the Texas War of Independence. Mexico had already outlawed slavery. When they allowed American settlers to come to Texas they weren’t supposed to bring slaves, but they did. Mexico overlooked some. Punished some, but the tension between the groups, Mexicans, Native Americans, and settlers never waned. The settlers wanted to be self ruled and some also wanted to join America again. The issue of slavery played a major role in both wars. Americans of the south like to lessen slavery’s role in both decisions to secede from Mexico and the US because some white people don’t like being seen as the villain. I guess you going to tell me now that slaves were treated well. That your family treated them like their children. Stop it! It is OK to say the South was the villain and slavery was wrong.

        • joetheamerican

          The modern southern white trash is a descendent of the southern white trash that the wonderful Union Army TRAMPLED upon and eternally humiliated and left for all generations to be nothing but defeated inferior southern white trash

      • Marilynne Cathy Ousley

        Lincoln was a supreme racist. He was in no way an abolitionist. Statements like this impugn your credibility.

        • TheZuluKing

          Ma’am, make no mistake you can be opposed to slavery, as Lincoln was, and a racist. I never said Lincoln thought of blacks as equals. Maybe my use of the term abolitionist may seem too strong a word for Lincoln, but I use the term as generally as they used the term in those times. Everybody that didn’t believe slavery was morally right didn’t necessarily view blacks as equals. Lincoln was one of those people. Lincoln’s stance against slavery and its expansion is what led the South to secede once he was elected. Look everybody that helps blacks don’t like blacks. It is what it is.

          • Marilynne Cathy Ousley

            Lincoln was not opposed to slavery. He only freed the slaves to preserve the union. What you need to do is Google Lincoln’s quotes. He owned slaves himself. He believed that blacks were inferior to whites and would never be equal.

          • TheZuluKing

            Look. I have read the quotes way before this. Nothing in my statement about Lincoln isn’t true. Lincoln was opposed to slavery. I never once said he believed all races should be treated as equals. Lincoln’s opposition was well known long before he became president. Don’t become a victim of revisionist history like the people ignoring the Civil War was about slavery. He was also a believer in The Union and tried to maintain the status quo without slavery expanding. He was a pragmatist. The debate over the South’s slaves was a problem from the start of the US revolution. How would slaves be counted toward the population because it affected the number of representatives? The compromise was 3/5 a person. So slavery has been debated in this country since the beginning. Lincoln knew the South feared him becoming president and some of those quoted you mentioned was to appease the South. Lincoln didn’t want to be the president that tore a nation apart, but his stance on slavery caused the South to bolt once he was elected. John Brown an avid abolitionist didn’t believe we were equals. There was a host of uprisings led by white people before the South bolted. White people died opposing slavery before Lincoln. Do you think they thought we should have equal rights? The answer is no. To discredit Lincoln for his view of black people and not give him credit for opposing slavery on moral grounds is not giving him enough credit. Had Lincoln not stated his anti-slavery messages earlier in his life the South would not have feared him enough to secede. It may have taken many more years for the issue to come to a head. Lincoln opposed slavery. He didn’t feel blacks were equal. He thought it might be better blacks have their own colony or return to Africa.. That stance is no different than many white folks have today. Deal with it!

          • TheZuluKing

            It’s become hip in the black community to say Lincoln didn’t like blacks. He didn’t have anything to do with freeing black people. That kind of thinking is no different than people ignoring what the Confederate flag represents. Lincoln didn’t like black people. So what! Who the f*ck does? Even now. We got black people who don’t like being black. They will be the first to tell you I’m not like the rest of them. i’m mixed. My grandma was Indian! I’m Jamaican. I’m Puerto Rican. I’m Haitian. I’m Dominican! Lincoln opposed slavery. that opposition led the South to rebel and eventually to black folks not being slaves. That is enough for me to give Lincoln credit.

          • Drunk_by_Noon

            You have that backwards.
            His abolitionist views are what caused the entire South to secede from the Union.

          • Marilynne Cathy Ousley

            Lincoln said:
            I have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.

          • Evelyn Khelama


          • Marilynne Cathy Ousley

            Lincoln said:
            I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.

          • Timothy Ragan

            As a white male I could care less about color it was a black man that saved my life in desert storm it was a Asian doctor that sewed me up and a Hispanic woman that cared for me and triaged me while I waited sorry I don’t see color……

        • Drunk_by_Noon

          Wow, the utter ignorance is thick in here.
          He was absolutely an abolitionist, and he also thought blacks were inferior.
          How are those two points contradictory?

          NOBODY back then thought blacks were in any way shape or form equal.

      • Terry Lawson

        The civil war and the flag were for slavery in perpetuity.

        • Reason And Believing

          Non-sense. The Civil war has nothing to do with slavery Not a thing.
          Slavery was merely ended as the result of the Civil war, and it was already in decline before the war. Slavery would have ended without the war.

    • Patrick Dodd

      Well it is you who does not understand the true history. You really need to do more homework before you make such statements.

      • Timothy Irving

        I can tell you didn’t take any of your own personal time to research the facts on American history. Which is all the more reason why you believe this story. Quit being lazy minded, Patrick.

        Further, I just got off the phone with Myrtle Beach Police Department; they said this story is complete and utter bull-crap. In fact, New channel 33 isn’t even a news station in Myrtle Beach. For any of you who want to confirm this, please contact the Myrtle Beach Police department at . Thank you.

        As for the owner of this webpage; you are a complete disgrace to journalism and our society as a whole.

    • tim

      States rights to have slaves….duh…

    • aquarian

      It was about states rights to keep slavery.

    • Alma Spaulding

      So true.

    • Norman9

      The Civil War was fought over slavery!!!! You can try excuses concocted such as secession, state rights, economics and others but Slavery was it!!!! You look at unemployment prior, during and post Civil was HIGH!!!! The biggest industry in the South was the exportation of cotton and crops and who pick it….slaves for free!!!

    • Clayton

      If I am not mistaken those same state rights which you speak of were the state rights to preserve the institution of slavery. Must I add, there were also an array of issues being fought for aside from slavery, but let’s not act as if that was not a part of the battle.

    • Bluedog

      It takes a special person to be this stupid

    • bobby

      Dude I hope your not serious in any of these comments you decided to type and believe they are correct cause you may have be born in DC but your remarks are foolish and ignorant i dont know what you was told the civil war was about but clearly you wasnt paying attention in class or you wasnt told the correct story in history class either way your old enough to read and understand concepts now so goto your locate libaray and do some research and also try and find out why is president lincoln the only one on a cooper coin and is also turned opposite from the other coins and then then try and realize if you see why your comments are being considered ignorant

      • Devon Pace

        Hard to take you seriously when you can’t even speak proper English. How old are you?

        • Christopher Slocum

          It doesn’t matter if his grammer doesn’t meet your standards Devon Pace but his history is accurate. Now funny guy, how old are you?

    • Darren Hines

      You are partly right…The Civil War started because of differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.

    • Jerome Cross

      and you’re also either a dam fool or a liar to say the civil war wasn’t over slavery.

    • Sharon Wiley

      You were born when I taught times were hard but those were better times then the stuff we witnessing now. SMH

    • Evelyn Khelama

      You HAD no rights, first of all. You were invaders and colonizers in a stolen land. You got off the boats killing, murdering, raping and hunting for gold and any other resources. You were diseased and dying. You were outnumbered by the Natives sometimes 20 to one but it is your diseases that killed them/us. You took by default. You were and are sick. You exist because of your ancestral black African parents whose genes were strong enough to give you a phenotype/body that has lasted but is fading, unfortunately for you with suppressed melanin. That defect affects everything about you. Your sense of humanity and your capacity to interrelate to those different than yourselves. your amelanotic brain makes you neurotic. You are not sun-people though you live on a sun-ruled world. The skin you are in is cancerous and you are born degenerating. Yet you look down on others as if you are superior. Your future on this planet is bleak as it has been in the past. The last time a black woman’s genes saved you. African Eve. This time, nothing will because nature herself is at war with you as you are with her. Black people are the least of your problems. That will soon be evident with the rising of the sun. You have been warned. Peace out.

      • Drunk_by_Noon

        This is what a black supremicist looks like!
        Thanks for the example.

        • Evelyn Khelama

          No, this is what an educated historian looks like. Your response is typical of someone who would think calling himself “Drunk by noon” is cute. You can’t deal with the message so you do what left brain gene deficient males do, you attack the character–especially of women–to hide your stupid. To add to your stupid, I learned the above? From white scientists not afraid of the truth. Go figure. Lol.

          • Evelyn Khelama

            P.S. When you sober up? Go take a genetic heritage test, MtDNA and see who pops up in your blood, your oldest ancestral lines. Then do some fact checking with the American Cancer Society to see who is at greatest risk of melanoma and non-melanin skin cancers, under an active sun. While there, study solar radiation and its impact on human health and solar cycles. BTW? You’re welcome.

          • Drunk_by_Noon

            Considering that all of my relatives are from Ireland and all fresh off the boat from the old country, I’ll balance my need for sunscreen against your sickle cell anemia and your one standard order of deviation of lower I.Q..

    • kliggins

      Have you read the Southern states secession documents? It was about slavery and “white supremacy”.

    • TheZuluKing
    • lunamama

      Correct it was about states rights! About their rights to own slaves or not. The south wanted to separate because of the crop industries “need” for slavery

    • Jovon Covignton

      Actually It Was About Slavery! The Kansas-Nebraska Act Came About Because Both Of The States Was Above The Latitude For Slavery And They Used Popular Sovereignty. Which Means For Kansas And Nebraska They Went Buy The Popular Vote. So The Confederacy Rush Too Nebraska And Kansas To Buy Houses So They Could Qualify To Vote On Either FreeState Or SlaveState. This Brought About Bleeding Kansas That Sparked The Whole Civil War. Remember What John Brown Attempted Come On You Cant Tell Me It Wasn’t About Slavery. After The Emancipation Proclamation All The Southern States Left The Union. Not About Slavery? You Silly.

    • joetheamerican

      The Civil War was about the Union Army basically reducing the southern white trash to eternal disgrace and humiliation, making sure all future generations of southern white trash would know for all time that the southern white trash exist merely for the glorious Union Army to TRAMPLE upon and reduce to NOTHING, you defeated and inferior southern white trash

  • Declan Sanchez

    Execute the scum… it quickly

  • ty

    They need the electric chair..forget a trail they don’t deserve that

  • forward

    This is not a true story. Please stop spreading lies.

  • forward

    This entire website is created to incite. Keep it moving, folks. Just never click on their stories.

  • Master Moto

    Does anyone know that blacks owned just as many slaves as whites people did? Check your history, and they like today were just as bad about killing and abusing their own kind. I could care less about slavery. I never owned any, neither did my family. After slavery was abolished you could have gone back home. Why didn’t you? No, it was just a way to make people feel sorry for you.

    • Fantasia Cartwright

      Was it your mission to sound as stupid as you did? How were they suppose to go back to Africa they didn’t own the ships that brought them here. They were brought here because people were too lazy to work their own damn fields. White people weren’t the first here but they always want to tell someone where they should go but to when they could just as easy go back to Europe.

      • Master Moto

        With a name like Fantasia, I know why your answer sounds as dumb as you are.

    • Kellance Young

      no they didnt

    • Yeahright

      Um read your history jackass we did try and what is now the US navy stopped us. Now ask yourself why was that, why did they stop Marcus Garvey and those freed slaves from going back?

      • Master Moto

        Because the African government told them that Africa was dark enough.

    • bobby

      Lol what a dumb comment when you say we could have gone back home well why didnt you go back home cause our race both came here on the same ship so why dont you go back to england or Britain

    • Marilynne Cathy Ousley

      Going back home with what type of funds, dude? They had nothing. They could barely afford to live here.

      To bed you lazy sons of bitches just didn’t pick your own cotton

      • Master Moto

        Sorry, did not grow cotton. Grew stuff to eat and did it without using sweaty stinking slaves. My family would feed slaves and free them. You had to have yours to pour your mint juleps and wipe your smelly asses.

    • Adub20

      Back home? Why didnt your inbreeds give back the land you stole? Whats your excuse for that? Why didnt your people go back home? Facepalm

  • Matt Becham

    Sounds like what groups of blacks do.


      Don’t say “sounds like what groups of black people do” because you haven’t met every single black person in this world so how would you know? TEENAGERS WERE KILLED And you want to say something that like? I understand a black girl beat another woman but did it result in death? Your worrying about the wrong things here. Just because a small number of black people do something doesn’t mean the whole race does it too. Idiot.

      • Matt Becham

        Small number? It’s every day by alot of them.

    • Adub20

      I just wish inbreeds like you would did in their sleep i hope somebody slit your throat. Give the native americans their land back inbred cracker

  • Matt Becham

    Yet the black girl that beat the white girl after telling her she didnt belong there cause she aint black isn’t charged with a hate crime.

    • Adub20

      Typical white hypocrite always trying to find some way to take the heat off your sick twisted people i bet youre probably happy about it too arent you?

  • Sarell Williams

    I’m sorry but I live in the myrtle beach area and I want their identities known, I am very nice to people of all races but I would like to know if I’m smiling in the face of hitler

    • Timothy Irving

      I just got off the phone with Myrtle Beach Police Department; they said this story is complete and utter bull-crap. In fact, New channel 33 isn’t even a news station in Myrtle Beach. For any of you who want to confirm this, please contact the Myrtle Beach Police department at . Thank you.

      As for the owner of this webpage; you are a complete disgrace to journalism and our society as a whole.

  • Timothy Irving

    Okay folks, I just got off the phone with Myrtle Beach Police Department; they said this story is complete and utter bull-crap. In fact, New channel 33 isn’t even a news station in Myrtle Beach. For any of you who want to confirm this, please contact the Myrtle Beach Police department at . Thank you.

    As for the owner of this webpage; you are a complete disgrace to journalism and our society as a whole.

  • Timothy Irving

    As for all of you on here spouting off racial comments, think about this; you just read a completely false story and without even verifying the story, you jumped into the conversation spouting more hate. People start these false flags because of people like you. If you want change- be the change. Love to all.

    • lunamama

      And how did you verify this was a false story?

      • Issac Bailey
      • Trees

        Have you bothered to actually look at any other stories on this site? It’s the equivalent of “The Onion”.

        • Edward Howell

          Except The Onion is actually funny.

          • Trees

            Exactly. This is just inciting for the sake of inciting.

          • MacFly1


        • NehmoSergheyev

          The Onion is _openly_ spoof but it contains real social commentary. Newswatch33 is just clickbait stories.

      • MacFly1

        do a little surfing, idjit. You don’t just believe everything you read. Go to the online local newspaper and call them if you have to. But don’t just accept what you hear or read.

      • Reason And Believing

        Sane intelligent people require it be proven that something DID happen,. They don’t require that proof be shown that something didn’t happen

      • TracyGocowboys Paul

        How did you verify that it’s true???

    • lunamama

      Found this link to verify story is a hoax sadly people feel the need to make shi t like this up as though there is no already enough hatred in the world to focus on.

    • KingBettis

      Be the change, I love it

    • joetheamerican

      We are sending the wonderful Union Army down upon the inferior southern white trash to once again TRAMPLE upon the inferior southern white trash and to once again teach the southern white trash that they will always live in shame and humiliation for being the southern white trash that they are: the laughing stock of history and the most inferior white trash to have ever dared to be momentarily not obey the glorious Union Army

  • Terry Mcfadden

    Please come do that in miami…All this praying to white Jesus ain’t help us yet. Eye for eye..Praise Yahweh.

  • Mahb

    Insecure devils

  • Leroy Fly Williams

    don’t matter what war it was about,General Lee LOST! Why be proud of something that isn’t for the people as a whole… We (African American community)shared the hip hop community… Knowing the Caucasian race knows nothing about the hood /slang etc.. All came African Americans……our style,clothes our music,even want to be in our youth gangs.

    • Timothy Irving

      So what’s your point, Leroy? Are you suggesting I shouldn’t have liked or supported the Southeast Groovers before they hit it big because I am white?

      Being a separatist only works against everything Martin Luther King preached. Damn you people are stupid.

      • Evelyn Khelama

        And just WHY are you WHITE Timothy? It isn’t about separation it was about SEGREGATION…Jim Crow…..Slavery….decades of rampant discrimination. It is about the lingering hate that hate produced. You don’t rape a woman and tell her to get over it and expect she will because it makes you feel better. MLK was not our only leader. We had many. And we are capable of thinking for ourselves. You like MLK because he was about peace. That may have been noble but for him it was a death sentence and for you it was about not being held accountable and being justified in the wrong you did and do. You don’t want to face the truth about your history or be reminded of how it came to be. Oh yeah….you are white Time, because you are black man with suppressed melanin. Probably why some distant part of you likes hip-hop. Sad for you that you live on a sun-ruled world and that sun is waking up and becoming more active. That blackness you have all hated for so long? You will pray for. And THAT, is the TRUTH and nothing but! This has been real. Out.

      • Christopher Slocum

        I’m just curious Tim but why do you only respond to the less informed posts. Does true history offend you? Are you unwilling to accept history for what it really is? Are you disappointed in you educational experiences? I’m just curious.

  • Leroy Fly Williams

    during the slavery times, africans were very humble people,we taught the world (osiris,isis,horus,Ramnsey,imhotep,) i can go on,but trying to shed some light of our humbleness.. We were made into this mindset by whats going on now…. Enough is enough…….

  • Joshua Kaanaana

    Can anyone find a second source for this story?

  • David Weston

    It’s true there is legislation in place to deal with what they call the MINORITY Problem!It is Called the King Alfred Plan.When the President gives “THE ORDER” They plan on incarcerating all people of color and they will Deputize these hate groups and the prisons will be your closest Navy/Army Bases.EVERYBODY Please go to youtube and search…Dr. Ray Hagins The King Alfred Plan…It is Important Legislation that we need to know about bcz the RACISTS already know!We need to Expose this to the Public!All Black people Should know about this….

  • bellaC

    This story isn’t true, I just called and the officer I spoke with said they have been getting alot of calls about this. She also stated that the police chief will be holding a press conference.

  • Marisol

    Irving. Give it a rest luv. When absolutely no one agrees with you, you need to start questioning yourself and ask why you are so hell bent on denying that the Civil War was about slavery and the rights of the southern states to continue owning human beings after 2.5 centuries of doing so.

  • Cotto Poindexter

    Buck that devil

  • Tameka Harris

    Smh .. we all have the same color blood?….wwjd? How many know Jesus skin color?… your bibles people..NO WEAPONS FORMS AGINST ME SHALL PROSPER…..#TEAMJESUS

  • Marilynne Cathy Ousley

    I don’t think this is a credible source of information. They printed something last week about the Charleston shooter that turned out to be completely spurious. Don’t believe it at all.

  • Monique Henry
  • kellie

    Amen Timothy it don’t matter what colors you are as he say everybody should get alone damn god sit I high in look low …..

  • Eileen Kerr

    This story is false!!! This never happened and people should be ashamed. If it were true the people commit such crimes need to go away for a long long time. However it is completely false and the people trying to stir up trouble deserve to go to jail too.

  • Athena Frazier

    Myrtle Beach officials: Article claiming hate crime is false

  • Arthur Clark This story is a quack! This is from the official city newspaper!

  • Theresa Carroll-Hardy

    so sad.

  • Jashuwa Ras Yahshuwa Baker

    Boy these confederate flag lovers have more excuses and denial then a little bit…LMAO…. the war wasn’t specifically about Slavery… BUT it was about States Rights which INCLUDED the right to own slaves… the “official” start of the war was at Ft. Sumter… but this issues had already been boiling over years before…ie ” Bleeding Kansas etc etc. Quit trying to revise history to suit your opinion’s…. BUT then again what do I care… Since the U.S. Flag has been shitting on those that look like me a hell of a lot longer the the confederate flag

    • You just say Bingo….

      the article is f a k e

      • Jashuwa Ras Yahshuwa Baker

        I know that. Still doesn’t disregard my statement about the continual denial folks seem to love to hold onto

  • You just say Bingo….

    F A K E

  • Edward Howell

    Fortunately, this is a hoax…it’s also done in very bad taste. I would imagine that this whole site is a poor attempt at satire.

  • Jose Escobar

    How sad. May they rest in peace and may these hateful people be brought to justice. Was your hate worth throwing your life away? Assuming they had any worthwhile lives to begin with. Seriously, close-minded people rarely succeed in the real world. Their prejudice and hate keeps them away from contributing to society in any meaningful way. Hope they have lots of time in jail to reflect on that.

  • wrestlefan01
  • Don’t be afraid

    Americans look like petty fools to the rest of the world.

  • Vincent Lehotsky

    The Un News is debunking the story in today’s paper.
    Yet, this commentator has no faith in the paper ever since it published a Voter Suppression article claiming that then Horry County Chairman candidate Tom Rice had no opposition in the November election.
    Story written by the top person at the paper.
    Still, I expect this news source to have its’ facts.

  • Democrat41

    I keep telling these hard headed ass black folks to stop walking around with no guns on them, I take my gun every where I go. I wish a white supremacist would walk up on me and pull out a bat. I’ll put a whole in his chest so big, you could fit a softball through it. Y’all black folks going learn one of these days. You have to be aware of what kind of world youre living in. These white folks are out to kill you. Protect yourselves, carry a gun, hell sometimes I carry two guns on me. I’m not playing with these white folks

  • genesis667 .

    There is NO LEGITIMATE news source with ANY information on this MADE UP BS STORY!

  • genesis667 .

    This story about the white killing blacks is 100% FICTION…BUT, This story below about 40 blacks beating a white man nearly to death is not…

  • Edward Howell

    Fortunately, this is a hoax…it’s also done in very bad taste. This whole site is a poor attempt at satire, please do not confuse it with an actual news source.

  • Sunshine Adams

    Blacks owned slaves in america too!!! how many people knew that?

  • Lisa Bean Williams

    This is a FALSE report and shame on you for publishing it and double shame on believing it. NOTHING such as this has occured. Are you so lame at reporting real news that you have to make up crap? It is also interesting your comment section will not allow me to post a link to the truth. Your crappy “news spews” site is what is wrong with the uneducated masses of America that doesnt know what real news is.

    If you do not know how to verify an issue using the ample resources available to you with modern day technology then you are ignorant, and probably part of the problem.

  • Sam Greer

    What’s it like to have some lying 16 year old jerk your chain and make you dance? LOL. Suckers.

  • certbobdobbs .

    In other news….many blacks were killed today by racist black supremacists over drugs and money.

  • Sam Thomas

    Why is this still up ? This is a false story Why not report about the overwhelming black on white crime in Marxist Amerikwa ? Nah that would be RAAAAAAAAAAAAYCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS Amirite ?

  • paulmax7

    if this was true it’s only the pertinently knocked out game.