(NEWSWATCH33.COM) – The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, also known in the media as (ISIS), is an Islamist militant group that has taken control over Syria and parts of Iraq. The militant group has put fear in the hearts of political leaders around the world causing nations to ban together to fight this terrorist group.
The militant group was formed under the name al Qaeda in Iraq in 2004 before changing their name to ISIS in 2006. ISIS had ties with now deceased Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda group but decided to split from them to form their own network. ISIS has proven to be more violent and effective at controlling parts of the middle east, unlike it’s predecessor al Qaeda.
According to The Daily Arab Post, a news outlet based in the middle east, ISIS has released comments on the recent violence between police and residents in Baltimore and the church shooting in Charleston.
“We have been monitoring recent events involving Black Americans people and we wanted to comment on how they are being treated in their own country. We are labeled as terrorists in western media however Black people are being terrorized in their own nation. How can a nation label us as terrorists when representatives of their legal system terrorize their own people? Black Americans as well as other people of color are treated unjustly and are even murdered yet their country does nothing to protect them. We hope that Americans see the truth in their own country before accepting media propaganda about foreign situations. The people of this nation can’t even agree on removing a flag that represents hate and violence towards Black Americans. Black Americans can’t even find safety in their house of worship without being terrorized by those who see them as unequal,” stated in a letter released to The Daily Arab Post.
This is not the first time ISIS has made attempts at using civil unrest in America as part of their terroristic agenda. According to Abu Saqer, leader of Jihadiya Salafiya, an Islamist militant group in the Gaza Strip that has made pro-ISIS statements, he told WorldNetDaily that ISIS was taking advantage of a “growing movement within the black community toward Islam and the racist policies of the U.S. government.” Saqer also stated he did not know if ISIS had successfully recruited Black American Muslims or if any jihadist cells had been established. (via IBTIMES)
It is unclear what the motive is of this recent statement allegedly made by ISIS, however what is clear is that the racially motivated events occurring in America are being recognized globally.
NEWSWATCH33.COM does not support nor endorse anything related to ISIS. This article is strictly for informational purposes and should not be taken as support for any cause related to ISIS or any violent or terroristic acts.