Rule one when you take your porn surfing mobile, always clear your browser when your done. You don’t want your little cousin going to use your iPad, turn it on only to find some spankbang autoplaying.
I think this is why they made incognito mode right? Doesn’t it clear after a few hours of inactivity? I could be wrong. Either way this guy f*cked up!
“When I decide to fap, I like to prolong it. So 3 hours is a good amount of time for me to watch some good ol’ porn. My choice last night was some lezbo action, one Asian and one white chick. For all you avid porn watchers, you know that Asian women are extremely loud.”
— Bro… 3 hours?? WTF?! —
“Now it’s Friday, and my girlfriend and I have that day off together. Our first stop was to the bank, and there was a huge line. She asks me to find where a certain restaurant is because we just moved to the area. As soon as I try to pull up Google, my phone automatically goes to the last website I visited. And like an idiot, I forget to clear my history.
” Ohhh yes, YES BABY RIGHT THERE” comes blaring from my phone, in a quiet bank packed full of people. Heads instantly turn. The dude behind me says ” Aw man, you fucked” my girlfriend is horrified to even know me at that point in time, and depositing her check 10 mins later was quite awkward.
If only he would have taking that 2 secs to clear his history, hell he takes 3 hours to find the perfect video!!
H/T Reddit
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