Monday, September 21, 2015



NORTH CAROLINA (NEWSWATCH33) - Seven shark attacks have occurred in North Carolina since June according to official reports. Andrew Costello, 68, of North Carolina is the 7th shark attack victim in North Carolina since...

WASHINGTON (NEWSWATCH33) - President Obama announced that the U.S. Embassy will reopen in Cuba in order to reestablish political ties between the two nations. The U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba, would reopen for the...

SOUTH CAROLINA (NEWSWATCH33) - Charleston Church shooter, Dylann Roof, is currently being held in a county jail as he awaits trial for his involvement in the murder of 9 members of Emanuel African Methodist...

MARYLAND (NEWSWATCH33) - The NAACP was under fire last month due to the Rachel Dolezal scandal, which involved a Caucasian woman who identified herself as an African-American to maintain her employment with the organization. Rachel...

ALABAMA (NEWSWATCH33) - Despite the Supreme Court ruling on legalizing same-sex marriages in all 50 states, Alabama refuses to accept the decision, placing a 30-day ban on same-sex marriage licenses. To add to their...

NEW YORK (NEWSWATCH33.COM) - Since the aftermath of the horrific shooting that occurred in Charleston, South Carolina involving Dylann Roof, many have protested the use of the Confederate flag after photos were shown of...

(NEWSWATCH33.COM) - The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, also known in the media as (ISIS), is an Islamist militant group that has taken control over Syria and parts of Iraq. The militant group...

(NEWSWATCH33.COM) - Following the announcement of major retailers such as Walmart, Sears, and other retail stores banning the sale of Confederate flags on their websites and stores, local stores throughout the south and...

SOUTH CAROLINA (NEWSWATCH33) - Charleston Church shooter, Dylann Roof, is currently being held in a county jail as he awaits trial for his alleged involvement in the murder of 9 members of Emanuel African...

South Carolina Youtuber Claims STD Color Coded Condom Idea Was Stolen From Him

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (NEWSWATCH33) - News broke earlier today about three teens inventing a condom that changes colors based on the type of STD a person has. The story went viral and causing...
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